
The Obama Legacy Project is a campaign led by Presente.org in partnership with grassroots and human rights organizations and their allies nationwide who want to raise awareness about President Obama’s legacy on immigration. Until now policies pursued by his administration have devastated and shattered Latino families and communities across the country in many different ways: mass racial profiling and S-COMM, immigrant prisons, deportations and unchecked border patrol violence, and increased militarization. We know he has the power to shift the course of this trajectory.
Our Demands for President Obama:
- End all deportations, the first step.
- Hold a summit and personally meet with immigrant families torn apart by deportations during your tenure.
- Expand deferred departures to all DREAM Act-eligible youth, their parents, and all undocumented immigrants until Congress takes action on reform.
- Abolish the “Secure Communities” program (S-COMM), which has resulted in rampant and disproportionate racial profiling of latinos and immigrants of color.
AFSC New England Immigration Programs
Alliance for Just Society
AMEXCAN - North Carolina
Border Network for Human Rights (BNHR)
Center for Constitutional Rights
Centro de Trabajadores Fe y Justicia
Centro Presente
Chelsea Collaborative
Coalicion de Derechos Humanos
Comunidades Justas/Just Communities Project of Western Massachusetts
Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas (COFEM)
CRECEN (Houston)
Detention Watch Network
DREAM Action Coalition
Eastern North Carolina Latin American Coalition
Fuerza Laboral (Rhode Island)
Hispanic Federation
Immigrant Youth Coalition
Juntos (Philadelphia)
La Comunidad Inc.
La Tuya
Libro Traficante
Migrant Justice
Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance
New York State Youth Leadership Council
North Carolina Latino Networking
Northern Manhattan Immigrant Rights Coalition NMIRC
Red de Mexicanos en Carolina del Norte
SOA Watch
Southern California Immigrant Coalition (SCIC)
SW Workers Union
The William C. Velasquez Institute (WCVI)
Worker Center for Economic Justice